Mohanlal starrer ‘Bhagawan’ has been very much in the news for the way it has been made. The full length commercial movie, directed by Prashanth Mampilly, was shot in just 17 hours, using about 10 cameras and five units. The film is all set for release.
The story is about the unexpected events that take place in a hospital in a span of two hours. Mohanlal plays Dr. Balagopal, a gynaecologist, who shows admirable composure and leadership skills when he learns that some terrorists have sneaked into his hospital and are holding the daughter of the home minister as hostage.
Lakshmi Gopalaswamy plays Dr. Balagopal’s wife, Priya. Tamil actor Daniel Balaji dons the role of the terrorist leader. Sivaji Guruvayoor, Sudheesh, Lakshmana, Ibrahimkutty, Sreejith Ravi and Lena are among the cast. Vijeesh Mani produces the film under the banner of Anaswara Cinemas. Prashanth uses five lyricists and five music directors in the film. Prakashraj and Nasser have performed important cameos in the film.