After the success of the critically-acclaimed Thanmatra (2005), noted Malayalam director Blessy once again teams up with superstar Mohanlal in Bhramaram, currently being shot in Kochi, Pollachi and Vagamon. Produced by Raju Mallyath and Zulfikar under the banner of Yuvan Entertainments, Bhramaram will be dubbed in Telugu as Bramaramba.
One of the major highlights of this family suspense thriller is that Mohanlal has rendered his voice for a melodious folk song 'Annarkanna vaa, poovala changatham koodan vaa' penned by Anil Pachooran and tuned by Mohan Sithara. The song was recently recorded at Mohanlal's new recording studio in Kochi and will be picturised on Mohanlal himself.
In Bhramaram, Mohanlal plays the role of a school dropout who works as a jeep driver in a high range area of Kerala. (Contradictorily, it was earlier heard that Mohanlal was cast in the role of a lorry driver.) Popular Tamil-Telugu-Hindi actress Bhumika Chawla plays his wife. Hindi comedian Suresh Menon, V.G. Muralikrishnan, Lakshmi Gopalaswami and Baby Nivedita also have pivotal roles in the film.
Ajay Vincent, son of director Vincent, handles the camera. Brought to theatres by Max Lab Entertainments, Bhramaram will be Mohanlal’s summer release.