Mohanlal is all set to team up with director Padmakumar in Shikkaar, a film that tells the story of the bonding between a father and a daughter on the one side and is a revenge story on the other. Padmakumar, who has given us films like Vargam and Vasthavam, has cast Ananya in the role of Mohanlal’s daughter in Shikkaar, which also has in the cast Mukesh, Jagathy Sreekumar, Innocent, Suraaj Venjaramoodu, Lakshmi Gopalaswamy, Thalaivasal Vijay etc. It’s also heard that Nandita Das is playing a key role in the film. To be produced by Rajagopal under the banner of Sriraj Cinema, Shikkaar will feature script by S.Suresh Babu and will have Manoj Pillai as the cinematographer. Gireesh Puthencherry will pen the lyrics while M.Jayachandran is the music director. The film will start rolling in March.
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Mohanlal is all set to team up with director Padmakumar in Shikkaar, a film that tells the story of the bonding between a father and a daughter on the one side and is a revenge story on the other. Padmakumar, who has given us films like Vargam and Vasthavam, has cast Ananya in the role of Mohanlal’s daughter in Shikkaar, which also has in the cast Mukesh, Jagathy Sreekumar, Innocent, Suraaj Venjaramoodu, Lakshmi Gopalaswamy, Thalaivasal Vijay etc. It’s also heard that Nandita Das is playing a key role in the film. To be produced by Rajagopal under the banner of Sriraj Cinema, Shikkaar will feature script by S.Suresh Babu and will have Manoj Pillai as the cinematographer. Gireesh Puthencherry will pen the lyrics while M.Jayachandran is the music director. The film will start rolling in March.
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