Ganesh Venkatraman, the Abhiyum Naanum fame, is doing the Malayalam film Casanova, in the second lead. Mohanlal plays the lead role in the movie. The role was earlier said to be done by Arya but the actor became too busy in Tamil that he was dropped at the last moment. Luckily the chance went to Ganesh.
Buzz up!The movie has Sameera Reddy, Lakshmi Rai and Roma as heroines. The shooting of the film is to get started this month itself in Dubai. Roshan Andrews is the director of the flick. He had a Christmas release Ividum Swargamaanu with Mohanlal in the lead, which is doing well in theaters.
When asked about the role Ganesh says, “ It was Lal sir who called me to do Casanova, and after I heard the story from Roshan Andrews I agreed to do the film. Lal sir is a person whom I consider as the finest actor in the country. My character has lots of shades but it is not negative. The underlying message of Casanova is that love can cure crime.” Ganesh and Mohanlal was earlier seen together in Unnaipol Oruvan.