Malayalam superstar Mohanlal today said he would request Bollywood icon Amitabh Bachchan to act with him in a Malayalam film directed by noted film-maker Major Ravi.Yes, we will be inviting him (Bachchan) to act in a film.We hope he will not reject the invitation, Mohanlal,an ardent Big-B fan, said when reporters sought his reaction to Bachchan expressing a desire to act with him in a Malayalam movie.The actor said he expected that Bachchan, despite his busy schedule, would find the time to do a role in the film by devoting one or two days for it.Mohanlal, who was last year conferred the honorary rank of Lieutenant Colonel in Indian Territorial Army, said the film would be another Army-based work by soldier-turned film-maker Major Ravi, whose earlier movies like Keerthichakra, Kurukshetra and 'Mission 90 Days' were well-received.Looking back on his career, entering its 30th year in 2010, the actor said he was been lucky to have done a lot of memorable characters well received by viewers in the last three decades.It is a fortune and a blessing that I have been able to do a lot of good roles.I owe it to producers, directors and writers who chose me for such roles, he told a meet-the-press here with the director and artistes of his recently released 'Ivitam Swargamanu .