Director Kodi Ramakrishna who is known for making versatile films with special effects like 'Ammoru', 'Anji' and 'Arundhati' is keen to direct a bio pic on late Bhagawan Satya Saibaba. Malayalam Superstar Mohanlal is likely to portray the role of Satya Saibaba in this yet to be titled movie. Currently, the discussions are on between Kodi Ramakrishna and Mohanlal and an announcement with other details is expected to be out soon. The interesting thing is that both actor and director are ardent devotees of Satya Sai and this will be Mohanlal's second movie in Telugu after 'Gandeevam'. Kodi Ramakrishna is planning to do a movie on the life story of Satya Saibaba from several years and let's hope everything falls in place in right proportions this time.