Universal Star Mohanlal is now all set to make a change in his appearance. According to some reports, after completing the dubbing work of his Christmas offering, Ividam Swargamanu, Mohanlal went on to the Gurukripa Heritage Ayurvedic centre in Koottanad, near Pattambi for some kind of rejuvenation course.This Ayurvedic rejuvenation will last upto a span of about two weeks and as of now Mohanlal has spent almost a week there. According to them, this Rejuvenation package reduces or slows down the aging process markedly. They also claims that this course will make the people younger and alert, flush out the antioxidants and slow down the aging process. It also helps the skin to get better and glow with excellent reduction of wrinkles and muscle weakness.It is hearing that Mohanlal is undergoing such an ayurvedic treatment for his upcoming prestigious film Casanova, which is all set to start by the first week of next month. In that out and out romantic comedy film, Mohanlal must look younger and savvier as he will be wearing designer outfits in it.
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Universal Star Mohanlal to achieve a new look
Universal Star Mohanlal to achieve a new look
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