Superstar Mohanlal's upcoming movie Alexander The Great will have the latest heroine in Malayalam film industry, Aswathy Ashok as it's lady lead. This new Mohanlal starrer will be directed by Murali Nagavally who have directed the star earlier for his first movie Wanted.
Alexander The Great is considered to be a comical racy entertainer in which Mohanlal will play Alexander Varma, son of a Malayalee father and an Anglo Indian mother. The movie evolves around the strong relationship between Alexander and his brother.
The new heroine of this film Aswathy Ashok is currently in a cloud nine due to the fact that her very second film at the industry will be with none other than Superstar Mohanlal. Even though her first film Moz And Cat didn't do well at the box office, her performance in the film was appreciated all around.
Shooting for the film, Alexander The Great will start by the third week of May. Wishing all the best to Aswathy Ashok and the crew behind this Mohanlal starrer.